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  • Ball played down as it lies unless:

    • Clean and replace is in effect​

    • Your ball (or stance) is on cart path, root, or anything that could potentially injure the player during a swing.

      • If behind a tree on a root, you can move the ball back but not to the side. ​​​

    • Ball is in standing water​

  • Everything is Hazard. If you go out of bounds, drop near closest point of entry. You can also back as far as you want. Just like water hazard. No 3 of the tee necessary. 

    • If possible, you can hit a ball from beyond the out of bounds area. As long as it is not in someone's back yard. This is the stupid idiot golfer's tour after all. Take as many strokes from the woods as you want. They all count.​

  • A missed swing is a stroke, always. ​

  • Mulligan can only be used once, from tee to green, and do not rollover. Use it or lose it.

  • Must record your score to whatever app you use to keep your handicap prior to next round.

  • 1 warning then a ban if you are turned in for skirting by these stupid rules. 

Stupid Idiot Golf Tour

©2024 by Stupid Idiot Golf Tour. Proudly sponsored by  First Key Financial

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